Zarchy architects
Otopeni 2.4 ha – Bucharest / Romania
With no historical urban context and very restricting site geometry, this project is carefully composed of compact volumes aligned so as to allow both privacy and unobstructed views of open public spaces.
The master plan is composed of three clusters, each containing four, six-story blocks around a central garden. The buildings are conceived of as elegantly compact, simple cubic volumes. The design of the blocks facilitates a wide range of apartment typologies, from studios to 4 room flats, from garden to rooftop apartments.
This typological diversity creates a “randomly” perforated appearance. Each apartment is organized around a balcony/patio that acts as the main opening of the apartment and as a buffer between public and private domain.
The envelope of each building is made of horizontal wooden stripes, solid when used as cladding and “transparent” when used as a balustrade for the patio.

25,000 sqm